Geralt of Rivia — Witcher Costume Ideas
If you’re like me, you’re eagerly awaiting the next season of The Witcher on Netflix. There’s something captivating about Henry Cavill’s Geralt, from his quick thinking and innovativeness to his magical powers for hunting monsters, from his code of honor to the fierce loyalty he reserves for the few he considers family. So, why don’t […]

Evil Clown Pennywise Costume – 1990 and 2017 “It”
An evil Pennywise clown costume can be bought ready-made or pieced together with accessories and clothing. Pennywise, the demonic killer clown from Stephen King’s masterpiece It is a terrifying and iconic monster. Although he is known to take the form of your worst nightmare – morphing into a giant spider, a teenage werewolf, a mummy […]

Cruella De Vil and 1 Dalmatian: Mom and Baby Halloween Costume
When Halloween rolls around one of the greatest pleasures of motherhood is coming up with a Mom and baby Halloween costume. I didn’t do a mom and baby costume with my daughter and regretted it. I got a second chance last year with the birth of my son. Being obsessed with Dalmatians it only made […]

Zootopia Officer Judy Hopps Costumes
Zootopia is a family favorite for many and Officer Judy Hopps has captivated the imagination of many children. So it’s no wonder your little ones may be asking for an Office Judy Hopps costume this Halloween. Or perhaps it’s you that wants to transform into the determined bunny for a Halloween party, cosplay or as […]

Painting Pumpkins: Floral Stencil with Glitter
Painting pumpkins using a stencil and adding a splash of glitter is another great way to decorate your pumpkin if you’re not in the mood for carving. Because decorated pumpkins last considerably longer than carved pumpkins, about a month or so, you can keep your pumpkin for both Halloween and Thanksgiving. Or you could paint […]

Nevermore: Raven Costumes for Women and Men
Raven costumes are a great option for Halloween, a costume party or Mardi Gras. Ravens have fascinated people throughout history and were made famous in Edgar Allan Poe’s dark tale The Raven. If you would like to dress up as a raven this year, there are many fabulous costume options. Raven Costumes for Women: If […]

Easy Halloween Costumes for Adults
Are you looking for last minute easy Halloween costumes for adults? Something that’s cheap and easy? Well we’ve got you covered. Sometimes you are just too busy to put a costume together in advance and end up scrambling at the last minute – or skipping Halloween all together. That’s a shame and totally not necessary. […]

Jack Skellington Pumpkin
Decorating your pumpkin to look like Jack Skellington, the protagonist of Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas, is an awesome idea for those who don’t want to carve their pumpkins this Halloween. I saw these two little pumpkins in the foyer of my apartment building and I thought they were brilliant. Although I didn’t make […]

Jurassic World Costumes
Jurassic World costumes are going to be popular this Halloween. When the film debuted in June they had a stronger opening week than inticipated bringing in $208.8 million in the U.S. making it the current record holder for opening weekend in history. Set on Isla Nublar, the same island as the original Jurassic Park, the […]

Gilded Pumpkins: How to Apply Gold Leaf
Gilded pumpkins are a beautiful Halloween alternative to the standard carved Jack o’ Lantern. Antiqued gold leaf transforms the common pumpkin into something extraordinary. Because the insides of decorated pumpkins are not exposed to air like their carved counterparts, gold leaf pumpkins will last a lot longer, usually about a month. This means they can […]